Monday, September 6, 2010


When I was at work, sometimes fatigue and stress as an integral part. Amount of work piling up, a solid schedule of meetings, the material that has not been made and the pressures of leadership can sometimes be the cause of the stress that comes. There are a few tips that can be done so that we can relax in the workplace, so any kind of stress can be reduced. What tips are they?

Tips relaxed in the workplace include several matters, among which:

Change Jobs Become Vacation

Imagine how calm you feel if you could add a relaxed feeling you felt at the holidays, into your working day. All it takes is one small trigger, ie a photo, keepsake items, or a beach clothes in your bag. And, you're ready to get peace.

Forced Yourself For Creative

There are three main forces in life: to create, destroy and preserve. Creativity is the most positive. Try to find the most creative ways to live your life, and you will see how easy it is to attain peace.

Use air freshener

Fresh air is one of the greatest penyimbang to lighten the workload or stress. Open the door, windows or sit in a chair near the window.

Think That You're the Power Holders

Try to think that you are the holder of power in your work. It's amazing when you realize how easy it is to fool your subconscious, so pikiranpun be a bit quiet.

Use Your Fingers To Suppress Tension

There is a relaxing acupressure point on both sides of your nose. Wipe the area with a soft, also the area around your eyes and feel your tension disappear. We gathered in the area of facial tension, move your fingertips with the powerful from the forehead to the back of the head.

Look for things that Make You Laugh

When a lot of laughs, you will not feel that bad things when you feel happy.

Leaning On A tree

There is tranquility emitted by trees. Choose a tree that makes you feel comfortable when in close, then use the tree as a place to visit when you feel depressed.

Chew slowly

When you bite slowly, then these foods will not only refresh you, but also will soothe you while eating. This is particularly true for the working environment with rapid rhythm.

Find Tranquility in Space

You're more likely to feel calm when in the middle of the room than in a corner, away from the crowd darpada in the midst of them; or in the park rather than in an elevator. Create the impression of a space, and you will find peace.

Full Attention On Your Navel

When you took a deep breath, your diaphragm expands, and you will feel your lower abdomen up toward the navel. Feel this sensation throughout the day, and you will more easily feel the serenity.

Utilizing Kiwi Fruit

Foods with high potassium content such as kiwi and banana, often associated with feelings of healthy and cheerful.

Jump to a point

In the Work Environment, no more you can do other than knowing what you want, and ask him as soon as possible. Plan, prepare and be firm, then you will feel You Do master.

Befriend Tranquillity

The calm was contagious. Enjoy being around people who are calm, not get stimulation, but to get a sense of peace that they are propagating.

Eyelids relaxing

You can build peace for yourself by releasing tension in your eyelids, slowly. When you concentrate on letting your facial muscles relaxed at the same time, the serenity that you feel will increase.

Dealing with Emerging Issues

Immediate action is a good antidote to stress caused by delaying the work. Handle the problem so the problem appears, so you have to clean the road to peace of soul.

Living the Life of the Whole

You should enjoy life more than just spending it to work. Maintain a balance, and you can keep the peace.

Changing Patterns

When you feel under pressure, do something different. Work with an abnormal way of working, thinking in ways you would not normally use, and others sit in the chair.

Do Forcing yourself

Many people see that the greatest pressures in the working environment is produced by ourselves. Be rational with ambition, schedules and deadlines that you create for yourself, and you'll have enough room to get peace.

Hopefully, with these tips above, then the relaxed atmosphere of the work can be created. Thus, any level of perceived stress, is expected to be slightly less ...

Amen ..
Baca secara fonetik

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