Monday, September 6, 2010


In our society, there are people who have self-confidence is high, but there are also opposite. Many people are not too concerned with self-confidence, not knowing how important the sense of an essentially diri.Pada confidence, self confidence are important factors that cause a great difference between success and failure. Some experts assess that to achieve success, one's personal maturity is needed because of personal maturity, will deliver a person on the attitude of optimism and a sense that what is in the goal-citakannya be easily achieved.

Here are tips that can be used to build self-esteem:

Dare to accept responsibility

Gerald Kushel, Ed.D., director of The Institute of Effective Thinking, once conducted a study to a number of managers. From that research, Kushel concluded that he found the most important properties possessed by almost all managers who have high performance. This trait is a sense of responsibility that encourages them to appear "perfect" regardless of the obstacles blocking.

Develop Positive Values

The road to self-confidence will be faster when we develop the positive values in themselves. According to psychologist Robert Anthony PhD., One way to develop positive values is to eliminate the deadly phrases and replace them with creative expressions. An example is by replacing the words "I can not" be said "I can!".

Read it yourself Potential

Quickly to track, digging and exploration potential success in us. For example, by asking the people closest to, follow the psychological test and went to the expert psychiatrists, doctors and even to keep track of our potential.

Dare to Take Risks

Courage to bear this risk is important, because rather than give in to fear it would be much better to learn to take risks that make sense. Try to accept the challenge even though it feels scary or daunting. Find a support as possible. By doing this, we will get many invaluable opportunities.

Repel Negative Feedback

It could happen, not everyone around us to give encouragement, support and positive attitude to us. Most of the people who are around you allow negative thoughts. This is not rare fade our confidence by questioning the ability, experience and our aspirations. Thus, there may be good if we take the distance with a little wise as possible when there are parties who try to wear off our self-confidence.

Follow Advice Positive

Confidence is contagious nature. That is, if we are surrounded by people who have a positive outlook, enthusiastic and optimistic that we have a tendency to mimic these properties. Therefore, look for an environment that can motivate us to succeed.

Make unrest as a friend

Many of the incidents or moments in life that can make us experience anxiety and restlessness. As a result, we experience a sense of crisis of confidence. At that moment, we must begin to remind myself that the anxiety and restlessness is my friend. Increase energy, tajamkan intelligence, increase alertness, and develop the five senses. Rather than wasting energy for anxiety in vain, it's better to face the challenge firmly and effectively.

Such tips can be used to generate confidence. When done, hopefully our confidence will increase, so your success will be part of our lives. Amen ...

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