Saturday, April 21, 2012

How to Overcome Cough In Children

Cough is one symptom that is often found in children, cough is a reflex Actually the body to help cleanse his way of breath. However, in certain circumstances, need to be treated medically cough. Observe the characteristics and types of coughs will help you identify whether your child's cough in children, including the common cold or cough category that needs to be feared and dangerous. Some types of cough and its cause:

Cough Shortness

Symptoms of cough shortness namely: high-pitched cough, dry, usually often begin in mid-night, the cough does not sound like a cough is usually, but more like a barking seal. The voice that arises is a result of swelling around the vocal cords (larynx) and windpipe. Other symptoms, at first your child may

mild fever or cold symptoms such as shortness for several days, the voice becomes hoarse and heavy that occur throughout the day and will be worse at night when your baby child or crying.

Causes of Cough Shortness

The disease is often caused by parainfluenza virus. Occasionally by respiratory syncytial virus or other respiratory viruses. Usually the disease does not show symptoms of fever. Esophagus and throat would swell up so that the channel narrows. Banykan found in children aged 6 months to 3 years.

How to Overcome Cough Shortness

In most cases, self-care steps at home to speed recovery of your child, so that more intensive treatment is rarely needed. In the meantime, your child will stay comfortable with a few simple steps:

Dealing with the quiet and calm for your child. Get her to sit, read a book or play a game that is not tiring. Crying only makes it more difficult to breathe.
Humidify the air. Use a humidifier in your child's bedroom or take your child to breathe in the humid air in a warm steamy bathroom for 10 minutes.
Make fresh and cool atmosphere. Sometimes breathe fresh air and cool can help overcome the difficulty. Open windows or turn on a humidifier. If the outside air is cooler, wrap your child in a blanket and walk outside for a few minutes.
Keep your child in an upright position. Sitting upright can make breathing easier.
Offer drinks. For babies, you can give milk or formula used to drink. For children, a cold soup or fresh fruit can help.
Keep your child to rest. Sleep may help your child fight infection.
Go to sleep near your child or even in the same room, so you can take action quickly if your child's symptoms become severe.
Cough Due to GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease)
Cough sounds like screeching and are crisp. Usually occurs after eating, and once your baby cough, baby or child you will be hard to stop. Cough even this will get worse if the child was lying. If your baby is suffering from GERD, then he will be fussy and occasionally vomiting.

Causes of Cough Due to GERD

GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) is actually caused by a weak band in the muscle between the esophagus and stomach. This in turn will create a liquid that should go into the stomach, instead flow back to the top. In fact, sometimes these fluids get into your child's lungs and cause chronic cough.

How to Overcome Cough Due to GERD

Sit your baby or your child for about 30 minutes after each meal.
Elevate his pillow when he slept.
For children, they should first stop eating foods such as soda, chocolate, candy, oranges and tomatoes.
If the disease continues to more than two weeks, immediately take it to the doctor.
Dry Cough (Pertussis)
Symptoms Dry Cough Cough Caused

Cough is dry and very long. When your child cough, in one breath he can cough for more than 20 times. And when he took a deep breath, usually you can hear high-pitched voice.

Before the cough is severe, your child will normally show flu symptoms, but without fever.

Causes of Dry Cough (Pertussis)

The disease is caused by a bacterium that is easily spread, which attacks the throat and lungs.

How to Cope with Dry Cough (Pertussis)

The disease is usually treated using antibiotics. Contact your doctor. Sometimes, your baby should also be treated to suck up the liquid that clog his throat. In many cases, the cough can last up to bermingu-weeks or even months.

How to prevent cough in children:

ASI is a very important source of immunity for the baby. Survey has shown that babies who get breast milk from their mothers will be more resistant to infection.
Do not be too often / easily give your child antibiotics. Often the infection that attacks the small (in this case the common cold) is a viral infection that will heal on their own without antibiotics.
Very understandable if a mother wants her son a speedy recovery so. But that does not mean "no trust" doctors A and B sent to the doctor the next day, and that night the doctor moved to C. It would disrupt the treatment. It would be better if the mother has a doctor you trust, so it knows very well the individualization of treatment for the child's mother.
Boost the immune system by giving the child nutritious foods and milk and vitamin supplements.
When to Call the Pediatrician?

Most coughs in children do not have to worry about. But talk to your doctor if your child:

Difficulty breathing
Breathing faster than usual
Lips, face or tongue bluish
High fever (especially in infants or runny nose condition, contact your pediatrician if your baby under the age of 3 months has a fever)
Infants (aged 3 months or less) a cough for more than a few hours
Loud noise when breathing after coughing
Coughing up blood
There was a loud sound when breathing
Sound when exhaling (unless you already know how to control your child's asthma doctor)
Looked lethargic and in pain

MYTHS ABOUT THE DANGERS & Rheumatic Diseases

Arthritis is one of the common diseases in Indonesia suffered the young and old. Rheumatism is a syndrome with three major complaints, including pain, stiffness, and weakness of the joints.

The disease attacks the joints and supporting tissue structures around the joint so that it can cause pain. There are three symptoms of arthritis, the joint swelling, muscle weakness, and impaired joint movement.

In severe levels, rheumatoid arthritis can even cause permanent disability, disability and reduced quality of life. And in general, people do not ignore any symptoms.
They also defer to consult a doctor early. Whereas for patients with rheumatoid arthritis, fast treatment as necessary to prevent the danger of rheumatic diseases.

Rheumatic diseases can also develop more rapidly for women. The women included having a greater risk of diseases such as rheumatic heart disease patients.

Unfortunately, the people still growing myths and false assumptions about the disease. Though these myths are misleading when examined from the medical side and could harm the patient.
For that you should know some facts about motis and rheumatic diseases.

A. Frequent bathing the night at a young age lead to arthritis in old age.
In fact, so far there is no corroborating evidence that would lead to a bath tonight rheumatic diseases. In principle, a night shower or a bath of cold water does not cause arthritis. In patients with rheumatism, a cold shower can make the muscle stiffness or spasms. These conditions usually make the joints, causing pain depressed.

2. Eating kale or spinach caused by rheumatism.
There is no research that links between spinach or kale with risk of rheumatoid arthritis. Even if that should be avoided, if a person is destined to develop arthritis foods that can trigger a purine or material will be converted into uric acid such as organ meats, seafood or alcoholic beverages.

3. All rheumatic diseases caused by uric acid.
In fact, only about 10 percent of people with high uric acid arthritis. Many patients with high uric acid would not have arthritis. Uric acid in the blood that will not necessarily lead to higher rheumatism. Rheumatic disease occurs when uric acid accumulate in joints and monosodium urate crystal deposits forming.

4. Rheumatic disease is a disease of bone.
In fact arthritis is a disease that attacks the bones and joints made up of various types of which are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis most commonly affects the large joints that support weight, such as knee joints, hip, spine, back and neck even though it was likely to attack other areas as rheumatoid artiritis due to immune system attacks the synovial membrane lining the joints or the whole clan involved organs body, can cause disability.

5. Just after elderly rheumatic diseases.
In fact, rheumatic attack everyone, young and old, men and women depending on the type of rheumatic disease. In the rheumatic type of osteoarthritis primarily affects people aged over 45 years while the type of Lupus Erythematosus attacking young women of childbearing age but also on any person. Men are more susceptible to gout.

6. Rheumatic disease is hereditary.
In fact, arthritis is not necessarily derived directly from parent to child. However, there is a tendency to be risk factors of family factors such as the occurrence of arthritis Rheumatoid Arthritis, Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Gout.

7. Bone pain at night is a sign of arthritis symptoms.
In fact, the symptoms that commonly occur in patients with rheumatoid arthritis are stiffness and inflammation of the joints (red, swollen, painful, hot and generally difficult to move). This phenomenon is not limited in the evenings and can strike at any time.

rheumatic diseases

Bath at night is not good for health, would be much better if we shower in the afternoon, because if we shower at night will lead to rheumatic diseases, rheumatic diseases that can make us very ill.

Rheumatic diseases or medical language is called rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic joint inflammation caused by autoimmune disorders.

Autoimmune disorders occur when the immune system that functions as a defense against intruders such as viruses, bacteria, and fungi, mistakenly attacks the body's own cells and tissues. In addition to arthritis, there are many other autoimmune disorders, such as lupus, multiple sclerosis and type 1 diabetes. On rheumatic diseases, the immune system fails to distinguish itself with a foreign body tissue, so the body attacks its own tissues, particularly the synovial tissue is a thin membrane that lines the joints. The result can lead to joint swelling, broken, pain, inflammation, loss of function and even disability.

Arthritis can attack almost any joint, but the most frequently attacked are the joints in the wrists, knuckles, knees and ankles feet. Other joints that may be attacked, including the joints in the spine, hip, neck, shoulders, jaw and even the very small joints between the bones in the inner ear. Arthritis can also affect organs like the heart, blood vessels, skin, and lungs. Symmetrical arthritis usually attacks the same joint attack on both sides of the body, in contrast to osteoarthritis is usually limited to one joint.

Arthritis symptoms vary in each person. The most common symptoms are:

Joint stiffness in the morning. Stiffness lasted for at least an hour. (In contrast to the stiffness of osteoarthritis usually disappears within half an hour.)
Swelling and joint pain. Joint swelling and pain usually feels warm and soft to the touch. The pain usually occurs in joints on both right and left sides (symmetrical) but the severity may differ, depending on which side is more often used.
Nodules (lumps). In about 20% of patients with rheumatoid arthritis, inflammation of small blood vessels can cause nodules, or lumps under the skin of a green pea-sized or slightly larger and often located near the joints. Nodules can form along the course of the disease.
Fluid buildup. Fluid may accumulate, especially in the ankle. In some cases, the joint sac behind the knee accumulates fluid and forms what is known as a Baker cyst. This cyst feels like a tumor and sometimes extends down into the back of the calf and cause pain. However, Baker's cysts can also develop in people who do not have arthritis.
Flu-like symptoms. Fatigue, weight loss, and fever may accompany early rheumatoid disease. Some people feel like a cold or flu symptoms. The difference, arthritic symptoms can last for years.
Although arthritis is a chronic and systemic disease, symptoms of its coming and going. There were times when the joints become more inflamed and painful, called flares or flare. These flares can occur suddenly for no apparent reason, followed by periods of remission or with minimal inflammation. In the first few years, arthritis can cause damage and permanent disability in the joints.

The cause of rheumatoid arthritis as yet unknown, but allegedly triggered by a combination of factors, including genetic susceptibility, viral infection or hormonal changes. Women are more likely to develop arthritis than men. In women who are affected by arthritis, pregnancy and breast-feeding may exacerbate the condition.

The doctor will diagnose rheumatoid arthritis by studying the symptoms, physical examination and diagnostic tests requested. Blood tests are usually required to check the levels of RF. The majority of rheumatic patients in their bodies to form an antibody called RF (rheumatoid factor). These factors determine the aggressiveness / malignancy of the disease. You called rheumatism when exposed to your blood test results indicate the presence of RF. However, a negative RF does not always mean you are free to arthritis, especially in the early stages of disease. Approximately 20% of patients with rheumatoid arthritis showed no positive RF results.

X-ray examination to see if your joints are damaged. However, X-rays often show a change in the early stages of arthritis. Diagnosis of arthritis often requires time and expertise because the symptoms can be similar to other types of arthritis. If your doctor suspects arthritis affected, you will be referred to a rheumatologic the doctor who specializes in arthritis.

Currently there is no medicine that can cure rheumatism. However, medical science has advanced rapidly in the last 20 years so that new drugs are now a great help to limit joint damage and manage the symptoms. With proper treatment, many patients with rheumatoid arthritis that can lead a normal and active life.